Drew Reibel
3/11/2013 12:12:52 am

Could you make sure the Doctor does not return to his old hobby today, I need to get back to the bank now. @Miss_Pross #Mr._Lorry

Frayser Wall
3/11/2013 12:43:18 am

@MissProssisBoss can you make sure to dispose of my father's old shoemaking tools while he is with me on my honeymoon? thank you so much. #iamluciemanette

Kevin Hong
3/15/2013 11:16:46 am

Don't you think that my brother Solomon would be perfect for you, my dear Lucy?
#mspr i/o ss

Drew Reibel
3/26/2013 07:25:17 am

Miss Pross, so unbusinessmanlike. For one thing, Lucie is already married to Charles Darnay. For another thing, Solomon is actually Roger Cly. #Mr._Lorry @Ms._Pross

Jerry Cruncher (Joshua Smith)
3/11/2013 08:20:12 am

Ms. Pross, I am in no doubt that a revolution is abrewing in France. Not to refer to you as elderly, but I am also certain that you have seen your fair share of revolutions and rebellions around Europe in your lifetime. Having greater wisdom concerning the subject, I am curious as to particular similarities you may have noticed between these situations. You see, my business concerns dead people, keeping track of who dies and where they are buried. Sometimes I dig people's graves, so I guess you could call me a grave digger. It would be nice to know who will be dying and where, such as if it will be the poor or the rich and whether it will be in the country or in the capitol. I also need to know for my own safety's sake. My wife's Father is always against me, and I fear he might use the revolution as means of my fall. Any information concerning the typical ways of a revolutions could greatly help me stay out of harm's way.

Miss Pross (Emily Parrott)
3/26/2013 11:00:38 pm

@Jerry Cruncher

I fear that I am elderly, no matter how you honey-coat the words. However, in this revolution that is brewing, I must say that it seems the same. The poor will attempt an overthrowing of the rich. I cannot say if this will ultimately succeed.
As for the dead, the poor will die in thousands in the streets. The rich will be swallowed by the guillotine.
I fear bleakly for this business of the revolution, but also fear that it must come to pass.

Erin Cha
3/14/2013 02:09:38 am

Miss Pross, I would like to thank you dearly for your services as my caretaker. I would like you take care of my father dearly also, and get rid of his old shoe bench and shoe making tools. He does not need to be reminded of his cruel punishment. Thank you very much. #Lucy Manette

Julia Wright
3/17/2013 04:19:29 am

It is my pleasure to help you and stay by your side Lucie. I have been concerned about your father. He reluctantly agreed to dispose of it though, so I doubt we will be having problems much anymore. #MissPross @Lucie

Leah Finn
3/27/2013 11:19:01 am

Ph thank you Miss Pross, you know how dear you are to me!

Jarvis Lorry (Owen Campbell and Savannah Crawford)
3/14/2013 02:33:44 am

@ Miss Pross
This last time I visited I was quite impressed indeed at your culinary skills. Being a dull business man, I prefer staying business-like. The great rising has gone too far, being between whiles like this. The obvious tension is almost too much to bear. Chaos is taking over us all. The beginning of the end is upon us. *ominous music plays in the background* #just having a chat #your cooking skills have nothing to do with this

Channing Williams
3/27/2013 12:13:21 am

What culinary skills does she posess? I have lost my wife and I am looking for a new one. I am out of jail after 14 years but was convicted wrongfully. Please reply. #CountofMonteCristo

Charles Darnay (Graham FItzgerald)
3/14/2013 03:15:18 am

Why must you so dubiously reject my love to Lucie. She does not love and will never love your brother Solomon. Now we are getting married and their is nothing you can do about it. Your precious ladybird has made her desicion and you should respect it.

Brian McNamara
3/27/2013 11:06:41 am

The only person who is good for my ladybird is my brother. He is the only one who deserves her hand in marriage. He is the only person that is good for her. #Miss Pross

Jarvis Lorry(Sam Woo)
3/14/2013 11:20:13 am

Mrs. Pross, I would like to ask you a favor. Please convince darnay and lucy to not go into city. I have gone there to do some business. Charles Darnay's relaiton with Marquis would get him beheaded easily. THe poor people are rising fast adn they are angry. As an example Foulon has been brutally killed with others during a revolt in Saint Antoinette. I fear for Dr. Manette and his familiy,

Cameron Brunick
3/16/2013 11:08:57 pm

@Jarvis Lorry. I greatly thank you for the warning to not to go into the city so i do not get beheaded. It would really be a shame of me and my family if my head just started rolling down the street. #Dr. Manette

Kenneth Ross
3/17/2013 09:35:48 am

Ms. Pross, I would like to thank you for the work you have done to maintain my sanity. I realize that destroying my old cobbling tools was for the greater good, and it has already had a beneficial effect on me.
#Dr. Manette

Nick Gallo
3/17/2013 10:41:30 am

No problem @Dr. Manette. I knew it would be the best thing for you, especially during and after your relapse. I am happy that you are feeling much better and have recovered to full health and that those tools and shoe desk is gone!!!

#Ms. Pross
@Dr. Manette

Miss Pross (Cameron Bailey)
3/18/2013 09:26:02 am

Often I have wondered what bonds the Dr. Manette and the daughter Manette so strongly. Recently I realized that they are making up for the years of separation. I am sure they find comfort in one another simply because of their earlier loss. There is nothing to possibly rip away these two. Well maybe...

Andrew Peck
3/27/2013 11:06:08 am

Perhaps maybe a lover that will woo her away from her father.

Aaron Betancourt
3/19/2013 06:32:27 am

@Miss Pross
As I am now married, I would like to thank you for the service you have given to me and my father. When I thought he was dead, you cared for me, and when he returned, you stayed by our sides. I am forever grateful and hope you can continue to serve our family for many more years.

Mr. Lorry (Emma)
3/19/2013 07:32:04 am


And I say this as a man of business, Miss Pross, but don't you think it peculiar that Solomon was not the one meant for Lucies dear heart?


Gunnar Calvert
3/19/2013 12:19:25 pm

From what I could muster, I see you truly do care for those you take care of as well. I must say, my life with my master Dantès is pleasurable beyond expression. With him, I have forged a life-long friendship with a man who understands me. But I must wonder,... How could Bendetto and Monsieur de Villefort have found him so quickly and easily... Found me?

Jelani Bell
3/21/2013 07:47:06 am

Ms. Pross. i would like to thankyou for your help in keeping me whole. i understand at moments i can be distant but i honety believe my shoemaking is helping, though my daughter disagrees.

Alyssa Presto
3/28/2013 12:06:25 am

I just want to keep you safe. I know you are going through tough times. I have been here since the beginning and I am not about to leave now. Do not worry, I am on your side.

Abes Neughebauer and Casi Craig
3/22/2013 02:26:53 am

I truly despise how all these gentlemen just barge into Ladybird's house and believe that they are a suitable match for her. She is of excellent quality and deserves the best, whom I believe is my dearest brother, Solomon.
#Miss Pross

Mary F.
3/24/2013 04:58:19 am

#Ms. Pross
I was pleased today to see my brother Solomon again, yet I am concerned for the mess he may get himself in

Rohan Joshi
3/24/2013 07:03:44 am

O lord, where did my brother go wrong? I knew he had taken a drastic turn for the worse, but never did I imagine he, a humble English boy, would become a spy. However, it seems as though my horrible fate could trigger a reversal of fortune in Mr. Darnay's trial.

Alex Stern
3/24/2013 08:02:48 am

I would like to thank you for your hospitality and humbleness during your stay with my daughter and I. I feel that you truly do care for her well-being as well as mine. If you ever find yourself in a state of distress or great need, feel free to call upon our assistance.

Cameron Bailey
3/24/2013 10:22:34 am

#Miss Pross
Oh, Ladybird, do not fret! If your father truly loves you, which of course he does, then he will support you in your love life. I have no doubt that he will be strengthened by it! Trust me, Ladybird, have no reservations.
@Lucie Manette

Caroline Carlson
3/24/2013 09:25:58 pm

Miss Pross, I truly am thankful for you and your support throughout these troubling years. You nursed me back to help during those frightening days when I once again relapsed. You hold a special place in our hearts the same way you have a place for your own dear brother Solomon. I have no doubt that you are part of the family. Please stay faithful. If I should ever need your help again, I hope you will be pleased to provide it.

Shelby Curry
3/25/2013 07:27:22 am

Miss Pross,
You have been a kind person throughout the years I have known you. I see you as a member of the family, and I will give you as much help as I can if you are ever in need. You help Lucie and you help my granddaughter. You are a wonderful, strong woman with a big heart.

Luke Bede
3/25/2013 09:44:40 am

Miss Pross, thank you for helping my family through our hardships and being very kind to Lucie. I am very grateful to have you around, hopefully our friendship will continue on for eternity. You feel like a sister or a daughter to me Miss Pross. I do not know what I would have done with my life without you.

Luke Bede
3/25/2013 09:48:10 am

Miss Pross, you are my dearest friend, thank you for all that you have done. Charles is being wrongfully imprisoned by many people, I believe it is unjust! Thank You for everything that you have done. Life is very hard, but luckily I have had you to help me through it.

Luke Bede
3/25/2013 09:51:45 am

Miss Pross, thank you for supporting Ladybird, I know you are hurt that she does not love your brother, Solomon, yet she still cares for you quite fondly. Our marriage marks a new era in my life, yet I know there will still be more hardships in front of me, I will always have you to thank for becoming friends with Lucie, shaping what a wonderful woman she is today. Thank You Miss Pross.

Austin Fullwood
3/26/2013 04:10:25 am

I am worried about the Doctor, Miss Pross. He is not acting like his normal self and I am very worried about his health and mental state. Please help me as a friend to regain Dr. Manette to life.

#Jarvis Lorry

Holli Scott
3/26/2013 08:13:18 am

I finally got to see my dearest brother, Solomon, again!!! I missed him so much, and it was such a pleasant surprise to see him in that wine shop! Sometimes, amazing things can happen when you least expect it. #Miss Pross

Milcah Barretto
3/26/2013 08:37:14 am

I can not believe that my own brother is a spy! I thought I knew him better! That's why I never saw him for so long. But maybe he can help my Larybird's family. I can see her pain and almost feel it too. I just hope that this whole mess can be fixed. #MissPross

Gabie B.
3/26/2013 11:14:53 am

My dear brother Solomon is a spy! I thought he was smart enough to know not to get into such a mess, but none the less I am pleased to finally see him again!

Mia Casciani
3/26/2013 11:27:57 am

Oh Miss Pross! How I miss my husband so dearly! I know you doubted him before, or wished me to marry your brother, but I cannot stand Charles being gone for so long! Think of how poor little Lucie feels! Please. Fetch me some water. I feel faint!

Rand Buenaventura
3/26/2013 01:16:37 pm

#Dr. Manette
Oh Miss Pross, I must thank you for your care of my wonderful Lucie while I was in the fierce Bastille. I do hope things are going well still due to the events that occurred dealing with your long lost brother. I still can't believe that my sweet Lucie ended up like this all because she was under your care, I couldn't ask for more! You're the reason why Lucie brings joy into my life.

Andrew Murphy
3/26/2013 01:38:18 pm

#Miss Pross
Right now, I am commanding you to take me to Lucie. By associating herself with that wretched fool Darnay (or should I say Evremonde), she and her father have betrayed us. It is up to me to exact vengeance in the name of France. Now take me to Lucie, old woman!


Andrew Murphy
3/26/2013 01:38:43 pm

meant to say that this is from madame defarge

Alonzo Lapitan (Miss Pross)
3/26/2013 09:14:38 pm

I am so happy right now! After going to Paris I have met my long lost brother, Solomon. He has told me though that he is a spy and I think that he is being blackmailed my Sydney Carton. I do nit want to get caught up in that mess though I am just happy I have seen him again.

Noah Dowe
3/26/2013 11:05:48 pm

Oh, how happy I am! I have finally found my brother, Solomon! He acted rudely at first. I believe that he is on the run from someone. But how wonderful it is to see him again, and only by a chance decision to go into a shop! What a pity it is that my ladybird is already married.
#Miss Pross

Alyssa Presto
3/27/2013 06:22:04 am

Miss Pross, I just wanted to thank you for always being there for me. Of course you thought you were looking out for my best interest when you wanted me to marry your brother, yet I hope you can see that I am longing for my husband Charles to be set free from jail.

Chase Jones
3/27/2013 08:11:55 am

I found that necklace that you asked me to look for, Miss Pross! It was hard to find while I was at the grave, but I got it. I would say you owe me now though. Mrs. Pross, I believe that you can do me a favor. Let your Ladybird, the beautiful Mrs. Lucie, come with me to a dinner. I hardly think you would have any problem with this, but if not, I may have to go talk to some of the people working at Darnay's place of incarceration. It would be a shame if anything further happened to him, and I know that Lucie would be incredibly saddened by that...
#Jerry Cruncher

Coral Hendrix
3/27/2013 09:08:39 am

Lucie, why will you not listen. My brother Solomon is great for you. You have no reason to be marrying that dingy Charles Darnay.

Heather Bowden
4/8/2013 08:59:07 am

Nothing against Solomen, but I love Charles with all my eart and believe we were meant to be with one another. Do not get me wrong, Solomen is a wonderful man, but not for me. I am dearly sorry.

Lucie Manette (Jeffrey Zhang)
3/27/2013 09:28:22 am

I feel like it's my choice! At the moment I feel of confusion and conflict. Honestly I do not know who I actually look and love for!

Abby Craft
3/27/2013 09:33:23 am

@#Miss Pross
@#Dr Manette
Miss: Is there anything I can do for you?
Dr: Please, just keep what is about to happen from happening.
Miss: What is about to happen?
Dr: The worst thing..... I must find Lucie.
Miss: What? Why? Does Lucie have something to do with this?
Dr: No. But it will affect her in every way. (to self) I am ashamed of me. Your doing this to your loving daughter. You monster.
Miss: Why are you a monster? What have you done? I am confused. Dr. Manette?

Miss Pross to herself (Aidan Connor)
3/27/2013 10:04:38 am

I fear for my sweet Ladybird. I believe that she is distressed over the Revolution, and over the fact that her husband is imprisoned. Ah, this is nonsense; Ladybird is a very strong and determined woman, and she will never stop loving Charles Darnay and her father.

Jerry Cruncher (Zachary Collins)
3/27/2013 10:06:48 am

Could you tell your brother to stay away from me because I do not want to know about his "secretive" past. He also gives me the heebie-jeebies. #MissProssFloss

Liz Korte
3/27/2013 11:26:46 am

I miss Charles so much. I just don't know what to do without him! I am glad you have always been at my side and supported my decisions. Stay with me during this hard time and pray for my dearest Charles!
#Lucie Manette

Maddy Old
3/27/2013 11:45:12 am

My loyalty will forever lie with you. I plan all of my actions around you and never regret it. I would do anything for you. #misspross

Camryn Finn
3/27/2013 11:52:13 am

I have no idea why I am in this dreadful city. Wherever I go there are crazy people! We should have never left England!

Thea Torrisi
3/27/2013 12:31:14 pm

Solomon! Oh my dear brother! Why do you reject me? I have done you no wrong, and yet you leave me penniless and alone. After I have finally found you, you reject my love! But I will not give up hope! I will not be discouraged! I know, deep in your stubborn heart, you do care for me. I want to speak to you brother, as friends. I first wish to apologize. By calling you by your name, I have incriminated and exposed you. I hope I have not caused irreparable damage. I am sorry for whatever deed I have done to make you hate me. I beg for your forgiveness. Good luck my dear brother. I love you. I only pray that you also love me.

Bailey Cake
3/27/2013 02:11:11 pm

#Lucie Manette
My dearest Ladybird, I must thank you for being with me. With my poor Charles in prison- Oh how I miss him so!- I cannot lose you as well. You are so strong even in times of these and I would ask that you lend me some of your courage as you have done, caring for me for so long.

Ashayla Byrd
3/27/2013 02:31:51 pm

Miss Pross! My strong-willed and red-faced housekeeper! I am indebted to you for all of your patient and and kind deeds in my recovery from imprisonment and my appeasing after an episode. I have used my shoemaker's tools as a crutch to isolate myself into the dark parts of my mind, and you constantly stood steadfast in keeping them away from me! Why you even burned them! Only someone who truly cares for my well-being would behave so appropriately. I do very much appreciate what you and Mr. Lorry have done for my recovery. Whenever I needed the two of you, even if neither you nor I knew it, you always stood by my side to help me . I will always cherish you.
@Miss Pross

Alyssa Presto
3/28/2013 12:10:51 am

Do not mind my interrupting, but I know Miss Pross and I only want what is best for you. Everyone goes through dark periods in there life, and it is important to have some people who will care for you. Just know that there are so many people cheering for your success, and I am always willing to pick up the slack if you need a minute to get yourself together.

Daniel Zalivchii
3/28/2013 08:03:00 am

@ Lucie Manette

Lucie Manette you must help me! Marry my brother solomon, he is a little rough, but would be good for you. He robbed me of the money I had and you can help me get it back in some sort of way. Oh, and forget about charles he is just a man with mannners, no good for you.

#Ms. Pross

Lucie Manette
3/28/2013 01:28:39 pm

Miss Pross, I am surprised at you! Charles and I have been happily married for many years and have a child to our marriage.

Grant Spade
4/8/2013 10:38:04 am

@Ms. Pross
Are you alright, I heard gunfire across town near where you were. Did anything happen of magnitude? You came slightly late, and I was wondering when you would arrive. Oh dear... you say you have gone deaf? What happened before you left!
#Jerry Cruncher


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    March 2013

